Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 10

It is after 10pm on Friday and I am finally getting to this daily blog.  I have been busy today and nearly forgot this daily commitment! 
I took my knitting bag with me to 'Friday Night Frights' a movie night  that is (usually) every Friday.  You can check out Cliff and his website at and see what we do on Fridays at
Basically, we watch B movies, that are sometimes bad enough to be good.....  I had to finish the Morning Glory while watching "The Hypnotic Eye"!  The best part of the film was the audience participation portion where we got to blow up balloons, clap our hands, and do other things while under hypnosis!  It was a hoot!
Here is the morning glory (ends needs weaving in, but hey, it's dark in the theatre!!)
You can see my green balloon in this picture!  It has an eye on it....      
FNF is always interesting, but I do a lot of knitting there.  Especially when it is an Annette Funicello Movie.  I  never go when the Three Stooges is showing (I usually say I have to wax the car or wash my hair that night.)  But, I try and make it when I can.  I am  still the taxi for our younger son so many Fridays I get to stay home alone, have a quiet evening and get some quality knitting time in!  I can only do so much driving. 
I worked on the sheep, but he is not done, and I started on a lamb using the same undyed wool.  Doesn't look like much, but it will. (as in the Lost Skeleton of Cadevra, - "YOU WILL!!)
Lamb in progress

I am tired and am giving a party for my sister and her family tomorrow.  They are moving to Dallas....  I am very sad to see them go, but they are making a move for the better.  Darn - they won't need any wool sweaters of socks there!  I will have to knit something in cotton or linen for my 9 year old niece.
Have a good weekend - I will have to find some time tomorrow for this between cleaning house and making pies.

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