I started this 365 journal for several reasons, but one was to get my creativity flowing. Right now, after more than 30 days, I feel blank. It is too hot. I don't like the heat and I think it is affecting my creativity. I have not meditated in two days and that has an effect. I also think it is too hot to knit. Of course, that is just silly because i have the AC on in the house. The 'too hot' is in my mind, and that is where the creativity comes. so I have just talked myself in a circle!!!
So what i decided to do tonight is start something new, but not with yarn. I got a whole pile of Architectural Digest magazines form my friend Teri and they are GREAT for collages. i used to make a lot of collages so I started on a flower collage. Pictures below. I love looking at those magazines, although I can get really envious (still more work to do there), but the photos are wonderful and inspiring. I love the colors and the art in the magazines.
I spent a lot of time, again, making jam today. Teri helped and my friend Morna gave me two big bags of plums, so we made two big batches of Jam!! Between that, work, working out and making dinner, I have not done any knitting today!
More tomorrow, try and stay cool.
here is the apple |
a basket of fruits and vegies! |
I like to sit on the rug when I make these. |
I will need to go and buy some modge podge, which I like to use for the glue on these. |
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