Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 9

June 9, 2011

I finished the cashmere/linen scarf today.  i still need to weave in the ends and block it, but since I lay down the 'rules' for this 365 project, I will considered it finished!

I loved knitting this simple lace scarf.  I just cast on 46 stitches and then knit two rows.  Then just knit 3 stitches, yo, knit 2 tog, till 3 stitches are left and then knit those.
Then every wrong side row, knit 3, purl till 3 stitches left and knit those.
Repeat those two rows until the scarf is long enough for your liking, knit 2 rows and bind off!
A simple lace pattern.
I will add another picture of this once I block it.
I still have some of this cashmere yarn.  Maybe i will knit some fingerless gloves with it.

I started on another sheep with some yarn that was given to me by Diana at Craftology.  I go there on Tuesday nights for a knitting/crocheting group.  Join us!  6pm to about 8.  Anyway, she had a bunch of this undyed thick and thin wool and she game me a ball of it to play with and we both thought it would make a cute sheep.  I started on one, and I think I will make a lamb, too.  I have this fun book -Farmhouse Knits - by Debbie Bliss that has great  clothes for kids and a many patterns for toys.  I have made the sheep and they are for sale on my etsy website.   I am having trouble with this site today, so I am signing off.  I had written a whole bunch more, but it got lost and now I need to make dinner.  Picture is below of the sheep in progress.  See you all soon, Love lanie


I love sheep!  I am having


1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the sheep. Bring them to our next gathering please.
