I have done a lot of starting and finishing, just not writing about it. I spent the afternoon with my friend Teri on Monday making applesauce, apple pie filling and some zucchini relish.....! Two batches of applesauce. The apples were all from Teri's parents back yard! YUM! I have never ha applesauce that good :-)
so that is counting for my starting and finishing that day.
I also started on my Heart Swap project - I will add the link for that later in this post - but the gist of it is there is a GREAT blogger, Linda, at Natural Suburbia who has wonderful knitting patterns among many otber things, and she does a Heart Swap once in awhile. Any one who wants to sings up and we swap handmade things made with love. Does not have to be heart shaped! I lucked out - although I am nervous - with my swap partner. It is Linda - the blog author and handworker extrordinaire! Making stuff like her is a bit like bringing 'colas to Newcastle! I tried my best..........
Here is her awesome blog - http://naturalsuburbia.blogspot.com/
I crocheted some nesting bowls, made a vintage button bracelet, with elastic and I am gathering some California made stuff! She lives in South Africa! I am finding this fun and exciting....!
I also started on an Owl for a friend of my niece. She wants it 'girlie' so it is going to be yellow, and purple. I had to go out and get some more stuffing but I think I will be able to finish it tonight.
Jennifer also wanted something Waldorf Inspired for a 2 year old so I am knitting a striped ball! It has been a fun project so far.
Hoot! An owl in the making. |
Nesting bowls! |
RED vintage bracelet |
The striped ball - just the half. |
Here are the apples from the backyard trees. |
Chop Chop Chop! |
Cooking the apples for the applesauce |
After being put through the strainer. |
Applesauce and zucchini relish |
Applesauce for the freezer |
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