We had our first swim of the summer! Harrison and I went over to the Orangevale pool. While it was crowded, we managed to have a good time and had a great swim! Felt so good to be in water... i love to swim and our only regret in buying this house is that we bought one without a pool...
I finished another square to be used for a sample for the knitting class.
Basketweave square. Knitted with Tahki Egyptian cotton. | | |
Then I started on something completely unrelated. I will be doing a craft show in September so I want to have some of my 'magic' scarves ready. They are magic as they change yarn as if by magic! Folks seem to really like them and I sold a lot of them last winter. I needed something mindless to knit as the other two projects I have going require chart reading (not mindless..).
I hope you all are having a great weekend. Mine was really very good. Fun and friendship!
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